Thursday 22 December 2016

What you should expect from the iPhone in 2017

There are three constants in modern life: death, taxes and iPhone leaks. 

The rumor mill surrounding Apple's flagship device is constantly churning — speculations hit the blogosphere well in advance of any official announcements, with some prognosticators skipping ahead full model cycles to focus on the next next iteration, if their sources are so inclined. 

Every version of the iPhone receives a significant amount of attention and speculation — but the upcoming 2017 model is a special case. 

The iPhone turns 10 next year, an anniversary that won't go by unnoticed. In an email to Mashable Chief Correspondent Lance Ulanoff, Apple's Creative Strategies President Tim Bajarin said as much: "The tenth anniversary of the iPhone will be a big thrust going into September of 2017."  Read more...

More about Glass, Oled, Wireless Charging, 2017, and Leaks from Tech

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