Wednesday 28 August 2019

5 iPhone settings to change now


You're probably using your iPhone wrong. 

Okay, maybe not wrong wrong, but there's a very good chance you could be using your phone a lot more efficiently. When was the last time you took a moment and customized your settings beyond the default?

If the last time you really messed with your settings was when iPhones still had home buttons, then you're probably missing out on some of the best new features from the last few iOS updates. Here are a few things worth changing.

1. Customize your Control Center

Apple started allowing users to customize Control Center in iOS 11, but it's added more customization options since then. You can change the Control Center shortcuts around by going to Settings —> Control Center and then adding to your list. The exact shortcuts you want will vary based on what apps you use the most, but here's a few of my must-haves: Read more...

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