Saturday 21 September 2019

Viewers still using TiVo will soon see ads before their recordings


The digital TV recording company TiVo is back in the spotlight with some upcoming changes and new products. 

TiVo had its heyday back in the early 2000s before DVR and streaming were everywhere, but it still has a few million subscribers. Those viewers will soon be subjected to ads playing before their TV recordings. 

It's a bit ironic for the company that gained popularity for letting you scrub through ads during TV shows and programs. On its website, TiVo still lists this as a benefit: "[We] give you the power to skip ads."

According to an industry news outlet, the ads will go out to all users with the latest software version known as TiVo Experience 4, but will be skippable. That's a relief. But users aren't too happy. On a TiVo online forum one user wrote, "If they start doing this to me I'm out. No way they're forcing me to watch ads on a device I paid almost $1,000 for with lifetime service." Read more...

More about Tivo, Dvr, Tech, Consumer Tech, and Streaming Services from Tech

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