Thursday 26 March 2020

Garry Tan and Alexis Ohanian on how to survive these crazy days (and what to learn from them)

Garry Tan and Alexis Ohanian on how to survive these crazy days (and what to learn from them)Garry Tan and Alexis Ohanian founded Initialized Capital roughly nine years ago and they've closed four funds since, including most recently in late 2018. To get a sense of where the team is currently, what it's telling its founders, whether it thinks the abrupt downturn might change founders' behavior, as well as whether either thinks big tech should be broken up, we talked with the two last night via Zoom about these issues and more. Tan offered that because returning to normalcy could "well be six to nine months," partly because the U.S. isn't informally containing the virus and there's not yet a vaccine for it. from Yahoo Tech

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