Tuesday 28 July 2020

Read how Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google plan to defend themselves to Congress

Read how Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google plan to defend themselves to CongressWith their big day before lawmakers just around the corner, previews of Google (well, Alphabet), Facebook, Amazon and Apple's opening statements are now available on the House Judiciary Committee's site. While the opening statements are just a glimpse of the hearing's potential topics, they do provide a useful outline for the strategy each company will use to fend off accusations that their businesses have grown on such an enormous scale due to anticompetitive behavior. In their opening statements, the chief executives of each company make some similar arguments--for example, all four claim that their companies, despite their size and power, still face intense competition, especially in global markets.

https://ift.tt/2P6NgHL from Yahoo Tech https://ift.tt/3f9lYLt

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