Monday 31 August 2020

Welcome to the most important panel on product development in the history of Disrupt

Welcome to the most important panel on product development in the history of DisruptIn a few short weeks, some of the best product developers from some of the world's most important tech companies will take to the virtual stage of our virtual Disrupt this September 14-18 to share all the tips and tricks they've learned over decades spent working at Zoom, Slack, Facebook, Amazon, Hulu and Oculus. This isn't a tribute to the most important panel on tech development you'll ever attend... it is the most important panel on tech product development you'll attend. Not only do we have Oded Gal, the man responsible for leading Zoom's product management; not only do we have Eugene Wei, who's forgotten more about product development in a career spanning Amazon, Hulu, Oculus and Flipboard than most developers ever knew; not only do we have Julie Zhuo, the co-founder of Inspirit and the former VP of Product Design for the Facebook app; and not only do we have Tamar Yehoshua, who oversees product strategy and development, design and research at Slack, but we have you, our interactive audience to help me question these doyennes of design, these prestigious progenitors of product on their path to product nirvana. from Yahoo Tech

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