Wednesday 21 December 2016

Want an Amazon Echo for Christmas? Sorry, it's sold out

It appears that Amazon did a poor job of judging the demand for its smart speakers, the Echo and the Echo Dot. 

Both devices are currently sold out on Amazon's website, with the Echo Dot slated to be available again on Dec. 27, and the larger Echo only coming on Jan. 19, 2017.

According to The Wall Street Journal, however, both devices were still available in some retail stores Monday, meaning there's still a chance to grab one if you don't mind a little walking.

Amazon spokeswoman Kinley Pearsall told Bloomberg that the Echo still might be available at a number of other places, including Amazon bookstores, Best Buy, Lowe’s, Staples, Sears and Toys "R" Us.  Read more...

More about Amazon, Echo Dot, Echo, Sold Out, and Amazon Echo from Tech

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