Wednesday 31 May 2017

Don't count on Netflix as net neutrality's savior


The streaming times, they are a-changin'.

Netflix, which fought hard and loudly for net neutrality when it was in the spotlight five years ago, has been relatively muted this time around. While the company's position hasn't changed — it still believes the principles behind net neutrality are fundamentally correct — Netflix isn't nearly as outspoken now that the FCC is throwing out the rules that helped protect it back in the day.

On stage at the 2017 Code Conference at a ritzy Rancho Palos Verdes resort just outside of Los Angeles, CEO Reed Hastings explained that the reason isn't just a bad case of buffering. Basically, it boils down to changing priorities now that the company has grown to 190 countries worldwide and is now known as much for its original content as its streaming service. Read more...

More about Netflix, Net Neutrality, Reed Hastings, and Tech from Tech

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