Friday 26 May 2017

Hackers just gave you another reason to hate vaping


It turns out vaping may be bad for more than just your look. 

With a few tweaks of the pen, a security researcher has demonstrated that vaporizers can be modified in such a way as to pass code to your computer. 

The problem, as with many things security related, comes down to the USB port. Used for both charging and data transfer, the port is a convenient place to plug in phones or other devices that need a battery boost—devices like vape pens. 

In a video demonstrating his work, the researcher, who goes by FourOctets, plugs an e-cigarette into a computer's USB and the device immediately lights up as if to charge. A few seconds go by and the computer starts to react.  Read more...

More about Hackers, Hacking, Vaping, Usb, and Cyber Security from Tech

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