Monday 31 July 2017

Criminal gang act like they're in 'The Fast and the Furious' while stealing iPhones from moving truck


It sometimes feels like the world is driven by iPhone lust. But would you ever imagine people so thirsty for iPhones that they're willing to break into a moving vehicle to steal them?

That's exactly what a group of five motivated thieves did to an iPhone delivery truck in the Netherlands about a week ago.

According to the Associated Press, five Romanian men were arrested on Saturday under suspicion of stealing $590,000 worth of iPhones from a moving vehicle. 

The men, aged 33 to 43, hopped in a van and reportedly tailed a delivery truck. Then they did something you probably thought only happened in the movies.  Read more...

More about Smartphones, Transportation, Theft, Iphones, and Heist from Tech

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