Thursday 26 July 2018

Mueller reportedly wants to question Trump about his Tweets


It's just too good.

The New York Times reported on Thursday that special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is putting President Trump's tweets under the microscope. He may use the Tweets to help determine whether President Trump attempted to obstruct justice in the Russian election tampering investigation. 

Mueller reportedly wants to question Trump about the intention of certain Tweets, particularly those about James Comey and Jeff Sessions. Mr. Trump, what was your intention when you called Sessions "weak" and Comey a "liar"?

As it has turned out, James Comey lied and leaked and totally protected Hillary Clinton. He was the best thing that ever happened to her!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 18, 2017

More about Twitter, Trump, Mueller Investigation, Tech, and Social Media Companies from Tech

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