Thursday 26 July 2018

This online course will give you one of the most in-demand data skills and it's only $79


Just how much data are we actually talking about, when we talk about Big Data? As it turns out, "Big" may be a bit of an understatement. A typical data set may contain petabytes or even exabytes of information—trillions of records containing names, addresses, sales reports, trends, usage profiles, and lots and LOTS more.

As you can probably imagine, handling such gargantuan caches of ones and zeroes is no walk in the park. Harnessing their power requires special hardware, software, and training. At the intersection of those requirements, you’ll find Hadoop, and the Big Data Hadoop & Administrator Master Bundle. Read more...

More about Mashable Shopping, Shopping Skimlinks, Shopping Solo, Online Courses, and Hadoop from Tech

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