Monday 2 July 2018

Tesla finally manages to produce 5,000 Model 3 cars in a week


Tesla is finally catching up to CEO Elon Musk's promises. 

The electric car maker manufactured 5,000 Model 3 cars in the last week of June, Reuters reported Sunday. 

The accounts vary slightly: Elon Musk reportedly sent an internal email saying that Tesla hit the target of producing 5,000 Model 3 cars in a week. Two factory workers, however, told Reuters that the last 5,000th car was a couple hours late. 

Whichever it is, Tesla appears to have finally ironed out the kinks in Model 3 production, allowing for a faster ramp-up. According to Musk's email, Tesla expects to produce 6,000 Model 3 cars per week next month.  Read more...

More about Tesla, Elon Musk, Model 3, Production Rate, and Tech from Tech

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