Friday 31 August 2018

Huawei's AI Cube smart speaker doubles as a fast 4G router


Does the world need yet another smart speaker? Probably not, but Huawei's AI Cube, unveiled at the IFA trade show in Berlin on Friday, at least offers something a little different. 

The AI Cube is an Alexa-powered smart speaker that also doubles as a 4G router, which makes sense given Huawei's expertise in building communications equipment. 

Design-wise, the AI Cube looks like a taller Google Home, with a set of control buttons on top. It won't hurt your eyes, but Huawei's not winning any originality awards for this one (also, you'd expect it to be a cube instead of a cylinder, but we'll let that one slide).  Read more...

More about Gadgets, Huawei, Ifa, Smart Speaker, and Ifa 2018 from Tech

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