Sunday 28 October 2018

Gab, a racist-friendly alt-Twitter, has been banned by PayPal and others


Gab, the self-described "free speech social media platform" that's provided a home for people like the suspect in Pittsburgh's synagogue shooting (as well as a lineup of noteworthy racists), is losing support.

PayPal has banned Gab, while hosting company Joyent has reportedly given the site until Monday, Oct. 29 to find a new home. Stripe, another well-known online payment service, is also apparently in the process of severing its relationship with the site. 

The moves all come in the wake of the Saturday synagogue shooting that left 11 dead. PayPal confirmed the decision in a statement provided to Mashable. (Comment requests have also been sent to Joyent and Stripe.) Read more...

More about Tech, Paypal, Stripe, Gab, and Social Media Companies from Tech

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