Tuesday 26 February 2019

Sorry folks: Foldable phones aren't very good right now


How excited are you about Android tablets, in general? How about a small Android tablet, smaller than an iPad mini? One with questionable app support, and an UI that will likely take some time to polish?

How about a thick, heavy phone with an enormous price tag?

Well, those two things are what you get when you buy a foldable phone. And while there is hope that these devices will get better with time, it might be a long time until we get there.

I've now seen (and, in some cases, fondled) enough foldable phones to know that they're very, very far from perfect. Sure, perhaps the manufacturers can figure out a way to iron out the kinks, like the foldable screen being stiff or having a visible crease. Developers will eventually build apps that play nice with these phones. The UI will surely get better.  Read more...

More about Gadgets, Samsung, Mobile World Congress, Huawei, and Foldable Phones

https://ift.tt/2ExtyR3 from Tech https://ift.tt/2NuzhKv

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