Tuesday 26 February 2019

What does consolidation of the internet mean for society? It's complicated.


The internet is a wild and messy place. Thankfully, the folks at the nonprofit Internet Society are here to help make sense of it all with a detailed investigation into some of the thorniest problems facing the online world. 

Namely, the group seeks to uncover how possible consolidation in the internet economy — as exemplified by the likes of Facebook and Amazon — is affecting the broader online ecosystem as a whole and to what degree that should concern us. Unfortunately, the organization's findings aren't all that encouraging. 

The group, which was founded in 1992, determined in a Feb. 26 report that the current status of the corporate giant-dominated internet is so poorly understood that even government intervention might just further muck things up.  Read more...

More about Facebook, Google, Amazon, Internet, and Tech

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