Thursday 28 March 2019

Garden year-round with the AeroGarden Bounty — it's $60 off on Amazon


If you have a knack for gardening, it’s likely that you also have a disdain for the colder months that don’t help yield your delicious veggies. Wouldn’t it be grand if there was a way to keep your green thumb satisfied throughout the entire year, without any reason for pause? That very tool exists, and it’s actually on sale right now.

You can pick up an AeroGarden Bounty on Amazon for $60 off for a limited time — snag one for yourself and start growing that sweet produce. 

The Aerogarden isn’t just for experienced gardeners — beginners will enjoy it as well (and it honestly does a lot of the hard work for you). Growing herbs, vegetables, salad greens, and more up to five times faster than regular soil, the AeroGarden comes equipped with a high-performance, self-monitoring LED lighting system that promotes speedy growth — you’ll be harvesting in no time. The most helpful part of the indoor gardening system is that it basically coaches you through the entire process — the attached touch screen tells you when your plants need to be watered or fed, and gives helpful tips along the way. Read more...

More about Produce, Mashable Shopping, Shopping Skimlinks, Shopping Amazon, and Shopping Solo from Tech

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