Tuesday 25 June 2019

Instagram head says the app does not eavesdrop to show you better ads


For years, Instagram users have been wondering if the app uses your phone's microphone to listen to private conversations. After all, just about everyone who regularly uses Instagram has a story about a targeted ad showing up for something they spoke openly about not long before.

Facebook has long denied that it listens to its users, while investigations from people outside the company have failed to indisputably prove it. Still, Instagram head Adam Mosseri was asked about it in a rare TV interview on CBS This Morning, which aired Tuesday. 

As you could expect, Mosseri insisted Instagram is not listening to you. The real answer, however, might not be all that comforting. Read more...

More about Facebook, Instagram, Privacy, Adam Mosseri, and Cbs This Morning

http://bit.ly/2ZMB2Yo from Tech http://bit.ly/2Yaz4k9

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