Wednesday 26 June 2019

You should cover your selfie cam, too


Take a look at your smartphone. Perhaps you're reading this story on it, and the device is planted firmly in your hands. Maybe you're on your laptop, and your phone is resting face up on your desk. Now, focus your attention on the phone's selfie camera. Try to imagine what's in its field of view. 

Unless your phone's forward-facing camera has a cover on it, you may not be the only one with that picture in their mind — or on their computer screen. Unless, that is, you have a selfie-cam cover.

It wasn't long ago that the idea of covering a laptop webcam was considered "paranoid," as if to suggest that only the tinfoil-hat wearing would think such a measure necessary. That consensus began to shift, in part, when Mark Zuckerberg accidentally revealed that even the King of Sharing had tape obscuring the view from his laptop's camera.  Read more...

More about Iphone, Privacy, Smartphones, Selfies, and Tech from Tech

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