Sunday 28 July 2019

Tesla owners should have YouTube and Netflix in the car by the end of August


Watching TV while you drive is a terrible idea, but can your fully stopped car double as a self-contained entertainment center? That's what Elon Musk and Tesla are betting on.

Netflix streaming and YouTube streaming are both coming to Tesla vehicles "soon," according to a Saturday tweet from Musk. The feature will only work while the car is stopped, though Musk noted in a follow-up tweet that the safeguard won't be in place forever.

Once regulators approve full self-driving, he said, video while moving will be switched on.

Ability to stream YouTube & Netflix when car is stopped coming to your Tesla soon! Has an amazingly immersive, cinematic feel due to the comfy seats & surround sound audio.

— e^👁🥧 (@elonmusk) July 27, 2019

More about Youtube, Netflix, Tesla, Elon Musk, and Tech from Tech

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