Thursday 28 November 2019

End of an era: Jony Ive removed from Apple's leadership page

End of an era: Jony Ive removed from Apple's leadership page

The fact that legendary Apple designer Jony Ive is leaving the company has been known since June, but a small change on Apple's website makes it real. 

Apple has removed Ive's profile from its Leadership page, marking his official departure from the company. Ive joined Apple in 1992, and was chief of design since 1996. He designed numerous wildly successful products, including the iPhone, the iMac and the iPod. 

On the left: new page, sans Jony Ive. On the right, old page.
On the left: new page, sans Jony Ive. On the right, old page.
Image: Apple/Wayback Machine

I've checked Wayback Machine's archives and Ive's profile was definitely there on Nov. 22, so the change is quite fresh. Read more...

More about Apple, Jony Ive, Tech, and Big Tech Companies from Tech

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