Thursday 30 January 2020

Avast shuts down marketing analytics subsidiary Jumpshot amid controversy over selling user data

Avast shuts down marketing analytics subsidiary Jumpshot amid controversy over selling user dataAvast announced that it would be winding down Jumpshot, its $180 million marketing technology subsidiary that had been in the business of collecting data from across the web, including within walled gardens, analysing it, and then -- unknown to users -- selling it on to third-party customers that included tech giants like Microsoft and Google and big brands like Pepsi and Home Depot. "We started Jumpshot in 2015 with the idea of extending our data analytics capabilities beyond core security," writes the CEO Ondrej Vlcek in a blog post in response to Jumpshot news. Today's news comes on the heels of a series of developments and investigations highlighting Jumpshot's practices, stretching back to December, when Mozilla and Opera removed Avast extensions after reports that they were collecting user data and browsing histories. from Yahoo Tech

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