Tuesday 28 January 2020

UK will allow Huawei to supply 5G -- with 'tight restrictions'

UK will allow Huawei to supply 5G -- with 'tight restrictions'The UK government will allow Chinese tech giant Huawei to play a limited role in supplying the country's 5G networks, it has been announced today. The government said the package of restrictions being announced on "high risk" 5G vendors will allow it to "mitigate the potential risk posed by the supply chain and to combat the range of threats, whether cyber criminals, or state sponsored attacks". The plan for managing risks related to the next generation of cellular network technology ends months of uncertainty over the issue -- which has seen warnings that the delay is harming the UK's competitiveness and its relations abroad.

https://ift.tt/311xrY1 from Yahoo Tech https://ift.tt/2RZp4Z5

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