Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Instagram launches Co-Watching to make staying at home more bearable

Instagram launches Co-Watching to make staying at home more bearable

Instagram has announced a series of features which should help users stay informed and connected during the coronavirus outbreak. 

Among the most interesting is a new feature called Co-Watching, which allows users to view Instagram posts together with their friends over video chat. Yes, a watch party for Instagram posts. 

To help people stay connected, we’re launching Co-Watching, a new feature that allows you to view Instagram posts together with your friends while you video chatpic.twitter.com/s6FPNNt3AK

— Instagram Comms (@InstagramComms) March 24, 2020

To start, begin a video chat with someone and then tap the photo icon in the bottom right corner. You'll get a list of the posts you've recently liked, and then you can choose one to show in your chat. If you've never tried a video chat on Instagram, here's how to start it: In the home screen, tap the arrow button in the top right to open Direct, tap the video icon in the top right, and then choose a user.  Read more...

More about Instagram, Coronavirus, Covid 19, Tech, and Social Media Companies

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