Wednesday 29 April 2020

Cruise can't test its self-driving cars. So it's delivering food instead.

Cruise can't test its self-driving cars. So it's delivering food instead.

Cruise vehicles, the self-driving electric Chevy Bolts usually spotted around San Francisco neighborhoods, are back on the road after a brief pause during the coronavirus outbreak. And now that the fleet is considered an essential service, it's driving with even more of a purpose.

The General Motors-backed autonomous car company repurposed a portion of its testing fleet in mid-April to deliver food throughout San Francisco. This shift, however, didn't require much of a change to how Cruise was operating before social distancing. Prior to the outbreak, the company's electric vehicles — equipped with sensors and self-driving tech — were being tested on city streets for an upcoming robotaxi serviceRead more...

More about Cruise, Delivery, Autonomous Vehicles, Coronavirus, and Tech from Tech

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