Friday 24 July 2020

10 online tutoring services to help rescue your GPA

10 online tutoring services to help rescue your GPA

There's no academic panic quite like the night before an exam when you can't quite grasp the words in front of you no matter how many times you've read them. It's then that you want help but where to turn? You've played back the professor's lecture dozens of times already. The teaching assistant is likely fast asleep and not up to answering your frantic messages. And your friends probably don't know much more than you do. An online tutor can be your sanity—and grade—saver.

Online tutoring services are among the best tools you can use to help get ahead academically, from tutoring videos to live one-on-one help, often 24/7. They're especially useful now that you might not be on campus and all your classes could be via Zoom. Read more...

More about Back To School, Tutoring, Tech, and Work Life from Tech

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