Monday 28 September 2020

Tech giants are ignoring questions over the legality of their EU-US data transfers

Tech giants are ignoring questions over the legality of their EU-US data transfersA survey of responses from more than 30 companies to questions about how they're approaching EU-US data transfers in the wake of a landmark ruling (aka Schrems II) by Europe's top court in July, which struck down the flagship Privacy Shield over US surveillance overreach, suggests most are doing the equivalent of burying their head in the sand and hoping the legal nightmare goes away. European privacy rights group, noyb, has done most of the groundwork here -- rounding up in this 45-page report responses (some in English, others in German) from EU entities of 33 companies to a set of questions about personal data transfers. Tech companies polled on the issue run the alphabetic gamut from Apple to Zoom. from Yahoo Tech

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