Tuesday 27 October 2020

Stark raises $1.5M for a toolkit that helps developers and others create more inclusive design

Stark raises $1.5M for a toolkit that helps developers and others create more inclusive designDiversity and inclusion are slowly, slowly moving away from being an afterthought (or worse, a no-thought) in the tech world. Stark, a New York-based startup that lets designers others building with design software run their files through an integrated tool that checks it and provides color edits and other suggestions to help them meet guidelines for people who see less well, has picked up $1.5 million. Stark plans to use the funding to continue building integrations into commonly-used design apps and create integrations for developers (where it will read and provide guidance on code: next up is a Github integration), and continue building out its business with expanded pricing and usage tiers.

https://ift.tt/31MfwGD from Yahoo Tech https://ift.tt/3oAOxYq

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