Tuesday 27 October 2020

Trump easily skirts Facebook's flimsy election week political ads ban

Trump easily skirts Facebook's flimsy election week political ads ban

Donald Trump has never met a Facebook rule he couldn't bend, break, or ignore to his advantage. The social media giant's ostensible attempt to prevent new political ads from running the week prior to the U.S. presidential election appears to be no exception. 

Facebook announced in early September that, with an eye toward possible "civil unrest," the company wouldn't accept new political ads in the immediate run up to the election. The Trump campaign looks to have found an easy way around this half measure, with new ads already placed on Facebook that are clearly targeted at an election week reality.  Read more...

More about Facebook, Donald Trump, Election 2020, Tech, and Social Media Companies

https://ift.tt/2G4HEx1 from Tech https://ift.tt/3kLH1qY

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