Thursday 24 December 2020

'How Bad Is Your Spotify?' uses an AI bot to ruthlessly judge your taste in music

'How Bad Is Your Spotify?' uses an AI bot to ruthlessly judge your taste in music

We can all agree that 2020 has been awful, but do you know what else has been awful? Your Spotify listening habits — according to an A.I. bot, that is. 

With How Bad Is Your Spotify?, a project by digital culture site The Pudding, you can let a bot completely destroy any sense of pride you had in your taste in music. 

The process is simple: Log into your Spotify, answer a few questions, and patiently await your results as the bot makes fun of your taste in music along the way. At the end, it gives you a full report based on things like which tracks you listen to too much, the "artists you stan to an uncomfortable extent," and a few other notes that might make you cry.  Read more...

More about Music, Spotify, Bots, A.I., and Tech from Tech

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