Tuesday 26 January 2021

These are the tech terms to know in 2021

These are the tech terms to know in 2021

It's a new year and that means it's time to learn a bunch of new tech buzzwords.

2020 may have ended up being a disaster that most of the world would just as soon forget Eternal Sunshine-style if it could, but hey, maybe 2021 will be better. Even if it's not, technology will continue to push forward with new ways to watch, listen to, and download content because, well, that's what it always does.

It's impossible to tell what, exactly, 2021 will bring to the table, but it's safe to say you'll be hearing these words or phrases plenty going forward. Better get used to them now.

Refresh rate

A high refresh rate is one of the most important features in a high-end TV.

A high refresh rate is one of the most important features in a high-end TV.

Image: DAVID MCNEW / AFP via Getty Images

More about Wifi, Bluetooth, Playstation 5, Xbox Series X, and Tech

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