Monday 29 March 2021

Boston Dynamics unveils new warehouse robot called Stretch

Boston Dynamics unveils new warehouse robot called Stretch

Cargo may be delayed in getting to warehouses due to the gigantic ship that was stuck in a canal, but once it gets there, a new Boston Dynamics robot is ready to handle all the boxes.

The robot is called Stretch, and while it certainly isn't nimble like Spot, Stretch is designed for the smooth, flat floors of a warehouse, allowing all of its agility to be focused on the arm sitting on top of its frame. Stretch can unload trucks and build pallets, and it does so quickly and autonomously.

"Warehouses are struggling to meet rapidly increasing demand as the world relies more on just-in-time delivery of goods," said Robert Playter, CEO of Boston Dynamics. "Mobile robots enable the flexible movement of materials and improve working conditions for employees. Stretch combines Boston Dynamics' advancements in mobility, perception and manipulation to tackle the most challenging, injury-prone case-handling tasks, and we’re excited to see it put to work." Read more...

More about Robot, Boston Dynamics, Tech, and Artificial Intelligence from Tech

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