Monday 29 March 2021

Scientists figured out the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine's code and posted it on Github

Scientists figured out the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine's code and posted it on Github

Hackers have posted a brand new trove of reverse-engineered data on Github.

And by "hackers," I mean "scientists." And that trove of "reverse-engineered data" is the mRNA sequence which makes Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine work.

Two Stanford scientists have been able to extract the entire mRNA sequence for Modern's COVID-19 vaccine and posted the code on Github, a website popular with software developers looking to host and share source code. 

An mRNA sequence is basically a set of instructions telling your body what to do. In the case of Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine, it tells your body what it needs to produce in order to fight COVID-19. In essence, it's the code which runs the vaccine. Read more...

More about Vaccine, Github, Covid 19, Tech, and Innovations from Tech

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