Friday 28 May 2021

Twitch warns creators about a wave of DMCA takedown requests

Twitch warns creators about a wave of DMCA takedown requests

Big changes are coming to Twitch. And the Amazon-owned livestreaming platform doesn't have a choice.

According to Twitch, the company recently received a massive batch of DMCA takedown requests "with about 1,000 individual claims from music publishers."

Just got an email about a DMCA takedowns from twitch and apparently the music publishing companys are scanning old VODS and claiming a LOT of stuff from other channels

— RATPARTY (@ratparty_) May 28, 2021

Twitch sent an "important update" via email to its users late Thursday night to warn them about the situation.

The company says that all of the DMCA takedown requests involved video-on-demand content, streams that are saved to the platform to be replayed after the live broadcast. Twitch says that most of the takedown requests target streamers who listen to copyrighted music in the background of their videos while they're streaming. Read more...

More about Copyright, Twitch, Dmca, Tech, and Big Tech Companies from Tech

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