Saturday 29 October 2016

OK Google, the definition of 'hero' isn't just for men anymore

Halloween season is upon us, and everyone is dressing up as their favorite monster, sexy plumber and, of course, comic book hero. But if you take a quick look at Google's definition of "hero," you might be surprised that, in 2016, it still defines a hero as a man.

I stumbled upon this while looking for cool comic book hero costume images. Here's the definition Google returned when I typed the word in on Saturday: 

That's right. In 2016, in a time when we have our first woman presidential candidate running in the U.S., and big budget films are being devoted to comic book heroes like Wonder Woman and a female Captain Marvel, and Iron Man and Thor have become women in print, the word hero is still, somehow, just for men.  Read more...

More about Words, Women, Dictionary, Search, and Google from Tech

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