Saturday 29 October 2016

Watch Elon Musk debut what could be the mainstreaming of solar power

Elon Musk loves standing in front of massive videos of planets, whether it's Mars or Earth. 

And on Friday, he pulled off his planet-loving stagecraft again to promote Tesla's new Powerwall 2 battery for the home and office, as well as a new line of solar power roof tiles. 

Sure, it doesn't sound sexy but, make no mistake, it is. This is the kind of stuff that, if adopted widely, could change the way we live for decades into the future. 

In typical Elon fashion, the founder of the company spoke about why the releases are important tools to help ease the effects of global warming. In short, Musk wants to make solar power as cool as Tesla has made the electric carRead more...

More about Sustainable Energy, Battery Power, Tesla, Solar City, and Elon Musk from Tech

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