Monday 19 December 2016

This innovative performance of ‘The Tempest’ will change the way you experience live theatre

Paid Content by Intel

What’s past may be prologue, but the latest production of The Tempest by The Royal Shakespeare Company is nothing short of the future.

The RSC, in partnership with Intel and The Imaginarium Studios, has embarked on an exciting theatrical endeavor that’s redefining the technical capabilities of live performance. In the new and groundbreaking show, Ariel the sprite makes a highly anticipated debut as one of theatre's most technologically innovative characters.

Below, we delve into the process of introducing this revolutionary technology to the stage.

Behind the curtain

While holograms may be the future of musical performances, "digital characters" just may be the future of Shakespearean classics. Ariel, a digital avatar powered by Intel, acts alongside the show’s veteran cast with real-time motion capture Read more...

More about Technology, Live Theatre, Theatre, Shakespeare, and The Tempest from Tech

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