Tuesday 2 May 2017

How to type upside-down (ǝlqᴉssod s,ʇᴉ ʍoɥ puɐ)


˙ƃuᴉɹoq ˙˙˙sʇǝƃ ʇsnɾ uosɹǝd lɐɯɹou ɐ ǝʞᴉl ƃuᴉdʎʇ 'sǝɯᴉʇǝɯoS

Or, if you don't feel like flipping over your phone, craning your neck, or staring at the above sentence until your eyes adjust: Sometimes, typing like a normal person just gets... boring. 

So why not flip the world on its head and turn things upside down? 

We've all had that one friend on social media who posted status after status in the mirrored text, forcing us to linger on their post for a second or two longer than usual in order to parse out — just like I did in the tweet below. It can be a cool trick, and much less grating with a Very Good doggo GIF to go along with it.  Read more...

More about Hacks, Flip, Typing, Utility, and Tech

http://ift.tt/2psmbmt from Tech http://ift.tt/2p1YDBg

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