Tuesday 23 May 2017

Sony hackers accused of having a new ransomware side hustle


Crime doesn't pay. Well, unless it's your side hustle when you're not working as a hacker for the North Korean government. 

Then it pays. Bitcoin, specifically. 

Security experts researching the ransomware WannaCry have zeroed in on a group they believe to be responsible for the attack that encrypted computers around the globe. It's known as Lazarus, and you may already be familiar with what is thought to be their greatest hit: the 2014 Sony Pictures hack

But this time around there's a twist. While the 2014 attack was believed to be directed by the North Korean government, clues surrounding the WannaCry ransomware suggest that the hackers have struck out on their own in order to make a little cash on the side.  Read more...

More about Nsa, Hackers, Hacking, North Korea, and Ransomware

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