Wednesday 26 July 2017

Modeled after Star Wars Stormtroopers, Apple AirPods were


Your Apple AirPods have a darker origin than you might guess.

Jony Ive, the design mastermind behind all of Apple's iconic products since 1997, was inspired by the sleek Stormtrooper uniforms from Star Wars when he created Apple's now ubiquitous gloss-white earbud design (used for both the EarPods and more recent wireless AirPods), according to a breathless profile in the Wall Street Journal

Ive reportedly told The Force Awakens director JJ Abrams that the rounded, white-shelled armor of the Empire's foot soldiers was the look he had in mind when he designed Apple's earbuds, putting the personification of intergalactic totalitarian rule in all of our pockets.   Read more...

More about Apple, Design, Star Wars, Stormtroopers, and Jony Ive from Tech

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