Friday 29 September 2017

Keep tabs on loved ones at all times with this Harry Potter-esque clock


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Molly Weasley is #goals for so many reasons, not the least of which is her (sometimes overbearing) dedication to her family. Just because you're a muggle, though, doesn't mean you can't be the magical matriarch of your own brood by keeping tabs on them the way Molly does — with this  gorgeous "clock."

Created by a husband and wife team of MIT-trained engineers, the Eta Clock doesn't tell time — it uses GPS technology to keep track of your household. The clock, currently being funded on Kickstarter, is paired with an app where users can input addresses for the places they visit most. Each hand is assigned to a member of your family, and takes GPS data from the app to move the hand to that person's location. It's not magic, it's science.  Read more...

More about Kickstarter, Harry Potter, Jk Rowling, Kickstarter Project, and Kickstarter Campaign from Tech

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