Wednesday 27 September 2017

Zuckerberg's non-statement on Trump and fake news is a total cop out


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg issued a statement Wednesday addressing President Donald Trump, fake news, and his company's controversial role in the 2016 presidential election. And, perhaps unsurprisingly coming from a man whose idea of connecting with reality is a carefully managed 50-state photo op, his words were polished to the point of meaninglessness. 

Zuck was responding to a rambling presidential tweet that both maligned the social network-turned-advertising company and insisted it's "anti-Trump." Possibly sensing an opportunity to garner some public goodwill, the best dressed man in Silicon Valley assured his 96 million followers that, nah, he's doing his very best to be fair and balanced. And that he's trying. Like, really hard.  Read more...

More about Facebook, Russia, Election 2016, Mark Zuckerberg, and Donald Trump from Tech

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