Wednesday 21 March 2018

Don't forget: Instagram is creepy, too


Say it with me: Instagram is bad, too

With Facebook in the news for all the wrong reasons this week, it may be tempting to overlook the social media giant's photo-oriented sibling, Instagram. That would be unwise. 

Instagram, which you should absolutely never forget is owned by Facebook, has around 800 million monthly active users — and it exploits their data for ad targeting much like its scandal-prone big brother. This should worry you. 

As a Senate Democrat launches an investigation into Facebook's sharing of user data with third parties (data which notoriously ended up with Cambridge Analytica), and as Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg issues a non-apology apology for his company's role in that mess, it's important to remember that the detailed profiles Facebook builds on each of its users are not just limited to what we share with  Read more...

More about Facebook, Instagram, Privacy, Mark Zuckerberg, and Cambridge Analytica from Tech

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