Thursday 22 March 2018

Snap Maps update makes it even better for stalking your friends


Snap Maps is now famous for providing a lens into disasters and movements. But along with sharing those moments, Snapchat is doubling down on being a social network. 

An update called Map Explore lets Snapchat users more easily see what their friends are up to, without any action required by the user. Your status might update itself based on where a your friends are and what Snapchat predicts you're doing. And maps can populate your status when you appear to be taking a road trip, flying to a new destination, or using a particular geofilter, a Snap spokesperson told Mashable. 

Think of it as Snap re-imagining the old AIM "away" status as literally showing where you are or what you're doing. Read more...

More about Snapchat, Apps And Software, Snapchat Stories, Snap Inc, and Snap Maps from Tech

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