Tuesday 20 March 2018

UK government calls on Zuckerberg to give evidence on Facebook's 'catastrophic failure'


Mark Zuckerberg might be laying low right now, but a UK government department just sent him a letter requesting him to appear before a committee to give evidence. And, yes, that evidence does indeed pertain to Facebook's relationship to the political consulting firm Cambridge Analytica

The House of Commons Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee (DCMS) sent Zuckerberg a letter stating that the request came "following material published in the UK Guardian and The New York Times over the past few days."

ICYMI, both aforementioned publications published explosive reports alleging that Cambridge Analytica used 50 million Facebook users personal data without their say-so during the U.S. election. Read more...

More about Politics, Uk, Mark Zuckerberg, Uk Government, and Cambridge Analytica

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