Thursday 1 March 2018

Why you should learn about blockchain before everyone else does


From niche technical publications to watercooler conversations to the corporate boardroom, blockchain has become the latest buzz-worthy technology that practically everybody is talking about.

But if you stopped the average Joe on the street to ask, What exactly is blockchain?, chances are  you’d get some head-scratching and a few vague references to Bitcoin as a response.

Consider: Blockchain is being touted as the most disruptive invention since the internet itself; isn't it worth learning the basics about what it is and how it works? 

RMIT is the first Australian university to offer a dedicated blockchain course online, Developing Blockchain Strategy, and it's a great place to start expanding your knowledge set. The eight-week course gives students the skills they need to apply blockchain to a 21st century workforce, regardless of their expertise or industry.  Read more...

More about Supported, Education, Bitcoin, Blockchain, and Sponsored from Tech

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