Thursday 26 April 2018

E-waste recycling guide: How to get rid of computer parts, old phones


My apartment is rife with black holes. There’s the space between my hamper and dresser, where garments that need mending go — never to re-emerge. There’s the smallest drawer in my kitchen, jam-packed with plastic utensils and forgotten coupons. And then, of course, there’s the second drawer down in my desk: the tech drawer

My tech drawer is a repository for all the tech accessories I’ve ever acquired in my adult life. It’s full of things I don’t have any use for, but have never bothered to get rid of. That’s because it’s easier to stick obsolete wires and digital cameras in object purgatory than it is to figure out how to get rid of them. Read more...

More about Tech, Recycling, Tech, Climate Environment, and Consumer Tech from Tech

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