Thursday 26 April 2018

New Slack add-on will surely ruin your coworkers’ day


Slack is a powerful tool, and with great power comes the great screw with your coworkers. 

A new Slack add-on from programmer Will Leinweber does just that, in pretty much the most diabolical way possible. Essentially, whenever anyone else starts typing it shows them a message that you, too, happen to be typing. And when they stop? That message goes away. 

You see the problem — or, rather, the opportunity.  

"I made a VGP (very good program) that makes it so it looks like I'm typing on Slack whenever anyone else is typing, and stops when they stop," he tweeted out along with a video of the program in action. "Everyone loves it so far and doesn't find it annoying at all!" Read more...

More about Pranks, Slack, Add Ons, Tech, and Big Tech Companies from Tech

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