Tuesday 26 June 2018

Apple macOS Mojave preview: Come for the Dark Mode, stay for the taste of iOS


This was supposed to be a “bye” year for Apple, one where the software teams would concentrate on stability and speed, with less pressure to make big moves or introduce new features.

While that may be true to some extent for iOS 12, it looks like the macOS team didn't get the memo. After checking out the beta of macOS 10.14 Mojave, it definitely feels like big changes are coming to the Mac. Some, like Dark Mode, are mostly cosmetic. But others, like the first generation of iOS-based apps made for macOS, are pointing the way for where the Mac is going, and why reports of its coming demise are greatly exaggerated. Read more...

More about Apple, Hands On, Macos, Mojave, and Tech

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